La piattaforma MOOC di Future Work 4’s sta per essere aperta. Dal 5 marzo sarà possibile registrarsi alla piattaforma e iniziare la propria formazione....
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Fornire agli studenti universitari e ai discenti le 4 competenze trasversali che sono state identificate come critiche per la forza lavoro del 21° secolo.
Introdurre una metodologia didattica innovativa per coinvolgere maggiormente e meglio gli studenti.
Dare potere alle studentesse che sono meno rappresentate in tutti i settori, il che genererà opportunità più avanzate in futuro.
Progetto Future Work 4’s: sviluppo di soluzioni didattiche interattive al meeting transnazionale a Roma
In risposta ai profondi cambiamenti generati dalla quarta rivoluzione industriale, dal cambiamento climatico e da altre tendenze trasformative, il progetto Future Work 4’s sta...
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20 Erasmus students (=future teachers of environmental education) are this week studying and working together at the summer school „Sustainable Future Educator” at the Institute of Education and Communication CZU Prague.It is an Erasmus+ blended learning programme - before coming to Prague, they had trained their skills on the MOOC Green skills developed with support of project Future Work 4's039;s.It was an intense week full of getting to know each other, sharing, learning, teamwork, games and new experiences. The last two days in Czech Switzerland are already challenging for them. The weather is not good, it will rain a lot but hopefully the students and teachers from the 🇧🇪 Belgian, 🇧🇬 Bulgarian, 🇫🇮 Finnish, 🇳🇱 Dutch and 🇸🇮 Slovenian universities will pass this stress test.
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🏆Future Work 4's has attracted 6️⃣5️⃣5️⃣ learners (over twice more than we planned) who enrolled in the free gamified MOOC in 💻 Digital, 🌎 Green,💡Entrepreneurship, 🤝 Social & Career Skills. 3️⃣6️⃣0️⃣ learners have completed the courses, sharing high satisfaction and positive feedback on the practical materials and interactive exercises. The courses are freely available in 5 languages - English 🇬🇧, Bulgarian 🇧🇬, Greek 🇬🇷, Czech 🇨🇿 and Italian 🇮🇹 and the gamified learning platform will stay open until the end of 2027. 👉 team met today to plan the activities in the last months of the project, including the impact evaluation report, and the final events, which will be presented in multiplier events in October and November. The Future Work 4's consortium involves Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" (coordinator) and Business Foundation for Education/Фондация на бизнеса за образованието in Bulgaria, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague/Institut vzdělávání a poradenství ČZU v Praze, and Università degli Studi Link in Italy. #futureworkforce #SkillsForTheFuture #ErasmusPlus #gamifiedmooc
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