Основни цели на проекта

Да предостави на студентите и учащите се 4 трансверсални умения, които се определят като критични за работната сила през 21 век.

Да въведе иновативна методология на преподаване, която да осигури по-висока ангажираност на студентите.

Да подкрепи жените и да подобри техните възможности за реализация в STEM секторите, където жените са по-слабо представени.


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Future Work4s: Усъвършенстване на интерактивните решения за обучение на транснационалната среща в Рим

В отговор на дълбоките промени, катализирани от четвъртата индустриална революция, изменението на климата и други трансформационни тенденции, проектът Future Work 4s предприема проактивни стъпки,...

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Are you interested in marketing, finance management, brand management or change management? Would you like to become an effective and innovative entrepreneur or team leader? Study and train entrepreneur skills on Future Work 4's039;s MOOCs. Many other skills useful for your future career can be found on this gamification course, just enroll here: futurework4s.eu/mooc-platfo#futurework4so#SkillsForTheFutureu#CareerSkillsk#digitalskillsk#innovationa#digitalskillsk#GreenSkillsk#entrepeneurialskillsk#ErasmusPlussPlus ... See MoreSee Less
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The global labour market is undergoing a profound transformation. Technological advances, geoeconomic changes, and the need for a just climate transition are disrupting traditional employment patterns. As a result, the ability of workers to transition into new roles is becoming increasingly critical—not only for maintaining employment and advancing social mobility, but also for economic productivity and people's well-being.This white paper offers a policy framework to support effective job transitions, focusing on four essential pillars: (1) Reskilling and upskilling for emerging opportunities, (2) Improving employee-employer matching, (3) Worker safety nets, and (4) Multistakeholder collaboration to overcome industry barriers.It also includes an analysis of job transitions based on data from 14 countries across seven major global regions. For each region, it identifies specific job transitions that are not only feasible and frequent but also lead to higher wages and improved standards of living. The paper features case studies that demonstrate the potential for public-private partnerships to facilitate successful job transitions.👉https://www.weforum.org/publications/unlocking-opportunity-a-global-framework-for-enabling-transitions-to-the-jobs-of-tomorrow/ ... See MoreSee Less
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